Out-of-Print Publications
Although these titles are no longer in print, we are including bibliographic and descriptive information for those individuals who may be interested in them. Copies can sometimes be found through second-hand book dealers or online, and the publications can be viewed at the Institute by appointment.
Adanson: The Bicentennial of Michel Adanson's Familles des Plantes
Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1963–1964. 2 parts in 2 vols. Set in Spectrum monotype and printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. Part 1, 1963. xii, 392 pp.; 40 figs.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 2 lbs. Cloth and paper covers. ISBN 0-913196-23-1. Part 2, 1964. xii, 243 pp.; 12 figs.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 1.4 lbs. Cloth and paper covers. ISBN 0-913196-24-X.
American Botanical Prints of Two Centuries
By Gavin D. R. Bridson, James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 2003. 239 pp.; 106 col., 8 b&w figs.; 8 x 10 1/2"; 3 lbs. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-75-4.
American Cornucopia: 19th Century Still Lifes and Studies
By John V. Brindle and Sally W. Secrist. 1976. 48 pp.; illus. (some col.). Soft bound. ISBN 0-913196-18-5.
American Wildflowers: National Geographic Illustrations by Mary E. Eaton
1976. 4 pp.; 2 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper.
Andrey Avinoff Botanical Paintings
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1965. 15 pp.; 1 b&w fig.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper.
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Paintings by Claus Caspari
Compiled by John V. Brindle. 1971. 20 pp.; 4 color, 7 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden: A Blossom on the Bough
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 2002. 48 pp.; 27 col., 21 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 6 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-74-6.
Art Out-of-Doors: American Gardens, 1890–1930
Compiled by Julia Finette Davis. 1979. 16 pp.; 5 1/2 x 8 1/2". Softcover.
Artists from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Edited by Gilbert S. Daniels. 1974. iii, 73 pp.; 78 figs. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-17-7.
Biographical Dictionary of Botanists Represented in the Hunt Institute Portrait Collection
Compiled by Theodore W. Bossert. 1972. G. K. Hall & Company, Boston, Mass. 432 pp.; 8 ½ x 11". Cloth back. ISBN 0-8161-1023-9.
The Bookbinding Career of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt
By Marianne Fletcher Titcombe. 1974. iii, 63 pp.; 12 figs.; 7 x 9 5/8". Cloth back, marbled paper boards. Set in Spectrum monotype and printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. ISBN 0-913196-16-9.
Botanical Art & Illustration by Lee Adams and Georg D. Ehret
Hunt Botanical Library. 1967. 15 pp.; 6 x 9". Paper cover.
Botanical Illustrations by Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden
By John Brindle. 1965. 23 pp.; 9 b&w figs., 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Botanical Linocuts by Henry Evans
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1966. 24 pp.; 13 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Botanical Results of the Sessé & Mociño Expedition (1787–1803) VII. A Guide to Relevant Scientific Names of Plants
By Rogers McVaugh. 2000. v, 626 pp.; 8 3/4 x 11 1/4"; 4 lbs. Cloth bound. ISBN 0-913196-68-1.
Botanical Watercolors from the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno with essays by Pieter Baas and Erik A. de Jong. 2004. 64 pp.; 50 col., 1 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 12 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-77-0.
Botanicals: Environmental Expressions in Art, the Alisa and Isaac M. Sutton Collection
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno with essays by Isaac M. Sutton, Susan Frei Nathan and Alice Marcus Krieg. 2009. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation and The Isaac C. M. Sutton 1999 Investment Trust. 133 pp.; 54 color figs.; 8 x 10"; 2 lbs. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 978-0-913196-83-0. (Please note that this is the correct ISBN for this catalogue.)
Botany and History Entwined: Rachel Hunt’s Legacy
By Charlotte A. Tancin, Lugene B. Bruno, Angela L. Todd and Donald W. Brown. 2011. 98 pp.; 147 color figs.; 8 x 8"; 11 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 978-0-913196-85-4.
BPH, ed. 1, suppl., ed. 2
B-P-H: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum. Edited by George H. M. Lawrence, A. F. Günther Buchheim, Gilbert S. Daniels and Helmut Dolezal. 1968. 1,063 pp.; 8 3/4 x 11 1/4". Buckram bound. ISBN 0-913196-10-X. B-P-H/S: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum . Compiled and edited by Gavin D. R. Bridson with the assistance of Elizabeth R. Smith. 1991. 1,068 pp.; 8 3/4 x 11 1/4"; 6.5 lbs. Buckram bound. ISBN 0-913196-54-1. BPH-2: Periodicals with Botanical Content. Compiled by Gavin D. R. Bridson. 2004. 2 volumes. v–xx, 1,470 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 10 lbs. Cloth bound. ISBN 0-913196-78-9.
Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, The Linnean Society of London and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève, parts 1–3
Compiled by Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. Karg, Sharon Tomasic, Margot Walker, Gavin D. R. Bridson, Hervé M. Burdet, Marie-Martine Chautems and Tina Moruzzi-Bayo. 1987–1999. ISBN 0-913196-50-9. Part 1. Group Portraits. 1987. xi, 93 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 1 lb. Paper cover. Part 2. Portraits of Individuals, A–D. 1988. 294 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 2 lbs. Paper cover. Part 3. Portraits of Individuals, E–H. 1999. xi, 230 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 2 lbs. Paper cover.
A Catalogue of Redoutéana
Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1963. vii, 117 pp.; plates (part col.); 7 1/4 x 9 7/8". Hardcover and Softbound volumes.
Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute
Compiled by James J. White with the assistance of Elizabeth R. Smith. 1985–1998. 9 parts; no figs.; 8 1/2 x 11". Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-42-8.
Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project
By Robert W. Kiger and Duncan M. Porter. 2001. 165 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 1 lb. Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-70-3.
Dedication Exercises: The Hunt Library and The Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Botanical Library
1961. 40 pp.; no figs.; 4 1/2 x 7". Stiff paper cover.
Enduring Perfection: Paintings by Damodar Lal Gurjar
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 2001. 44 pp.; 36 col., 2 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 6 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-71-1.
Ex Libris Carnegie Mellon
1993. Photographed by Frank A. Reynolds. Designed by Kevin E. Kennedy. Printed by Hoechstetter Printing Company Inc.
An Exhibition of Paintings by Jack J. Kunz
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1970. 24 pp.; 23 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10 1/4". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Five West Coast Printmakers
1975. 12 pp.; 15 b&w figs.; 9 x 6". Stiff paper cover.
Flora Portrayed: Classics of Botanical Art from the Hunt Institute Collection
By John V. Brindle and James J. White with the assistance of Donald E. Wendel. 1985. 93 pp.; 90 figs. (55 col.). Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-43-6.
Flowers of the World: Paintings by Leslie Greenwood
Compiled by John V. Brindle. 1977. 12 pp.; 9 b&w figs.; 9 x 6". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
“For love of nature”: Brazilian Flora and Fauna in Watercolor by Etienne, Rosália and Yvonne Demonte
Compiled by James J. White. Introduction by Clarke Bruno. 1985. [ii], 46 pp.; 18 color, 35 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 6 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-48-7.
Gifts of Winter
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 2000. 72 pp.; 50 color, 8 b&w figs.; 8 1/2 x 11": 10 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-69-X.
A Guide to the Adanson Exhibition
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1963. 55 pp.; 8 1/2 x 10 1/2". Stiff paper cover.
Guide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute, parts 1–3
Compiled by Michael T. Stieber and Anita L. Karg. 1981–1988. ISBN 0-913196-30-4. Part 1. (Abbe – Butters) . 1981. 89 pp.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 9 oz. Paper cover. Part 2. (Caballereo Segares – Furnrohr). 1984. 85 pp.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 9 oz. Paper cover. Part 3. (Gadeceau – Hyland). 1988. 88 pp.; 6 7/8 x 10"; 8 oz. Paper cover.
Hanna wood engraving
Saguaro [Carnegiea gigantea Britton & Rose, Cactaceae], color wood engraving by Boyd Everett Hanna (1907–1987), image size: 5 3/4 x 2 3/4"; sheet size: 9 1/4 x 6 1/4
The Healing Plants of Ida Hrubesky Pemberton
By James J. White, Lugene B. Bruno, with essays by Carolyn Crawford and Victoria Matthews. 2003. 64 pp.; 51 color, 1 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 12 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-76-2.
Homegrown I: Pittsburgh Artists on Plant Subjects
1972. 4 pp.; 6 × 9". Pictorial stiff paper.
Homegrown II : Pittsburgh Area Artists on Plant Subjects
1974. 4 pp.; 8 x 8 1/4". Pictorial stiff paper.
By Walahfrid Strabo. Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1966. xii, 91 pp.; 4 figs.; 10 two-page pls.; 6 3/4 x 10 5/8". Hard cover. Hunt Facsimile Series, no. 2.
The Hunt Botanical Library: A Decennial Report
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1970. [vii], 45 pp.; 8 figs.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 13 oz. Cloth bound and stiff paper covers. ISBN 0-913196-36-3.
Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations together with a Synoptic Bibliography of the Dissertations and a Concordance for Selected Editions
By Robert W. Kiger, Charlotte A. Tancin and Gavin D. R. Bridson. 1999. iii, 300 pp.; 6 b&w figs.; 8 3/4 x 11 1/4"; 3 lbs. Cloth bound. ISBN 0-913196-67-3.
Inspiration and Translation: Botanical and Horticultural Lithographs of Joseph Prestele and Sons
By James J. White, Lugene B. Bruno and Susan H. Fugate. 2005. 84 pp.; 75 color, 2 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10''; 14 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-80-0.
International Register of Specialists and Current Research in Plant Systematics
Compiled and edited by Robert W. Kiger, T. D. Jacobsen and Roberta M. Lilly. 1981. viii, 346 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11". Softcover. ISBN 0-913196-39-8.
The International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records
1987. 64 pp.; 10 tables; 8 1/2 x 11". Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-57-6. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards no. 1.
Jeanne Holgate: Paintings and Drawings
Compiled by John V. Brindle. 1973. 16 pp.; 5 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
John Lightfoot: His Work and Travels
By Jean K. Bowden. 1989. 255 pp.; illus.; 6 1/4 x 9 1/4"; 1.5 lbs. Published jointly with the Bentham-Moxon Trust at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Cloth bound. ISBN 0-913196-51-7.
Kate Greenaway: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original Artworks and Related Materials Selected from the Frances Hooper Collection at the Hunt Institute with Essays by Miss Hooper, Rodney Engen and John Brindle and a Summary Register of the Full Collection
Edited by Robert W. Kiger. Compiled by Bernadette G. Callery, Michael T. Stieber, James J. White and Elizabeth A. Mosimann. 1980. 112 pp.; 34 color, 134 b&w figs; 7 3/4 x 10 1/4"; 1.6 lbs. Printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. Gold-stamped cloth binding, inset color illustration. ISBN 0-913196-33-9.
Linger Golden Light
By Lotte Günthart. 1984. 245 pp.; 81 col., 31 b&w figs.; 1 col. pl. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-46-0.
A Linnaean Keepsake
Edited by Gilbert S. Daniels. 1973. [v], 70 pp.; 11 b&w figs.; 7 7/16 x 10 1/8": 14 oz. Set in Spectrum monotype and printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. Cloth back, marbled paper boards. ISBN 0-913196-15-0.
Natural-History Paintings from Rajasthan
By James J. White and Autumn M. Farole. 1994. 44 pp.; 25 color, 23 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 6 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-61-4.
A Northeast Folio
John V. Brindle and James J. White. 1979. 72 pp.; 8 color, 51 b&w figs.; 8 3/4 x 11 1/4"; 11 oz. Limited edition of 750 hand-numbered copies. Stiff portfolio. ISBN 0-913196-22-3.
Nosegays and Bouquets: Flower and Fruit Arrangements in Western Art
By John V. Brindle. 1981. 8 pp.; 8 b&w figs.; 7 x 10 3/4". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
P. J. Redouté: Folio Album
Intro. by Lotte Günthart, text by A. F. Günther Buchheim and André Lawalrée. 1973. Hard portfolio. 21-inch folio with 19 photolithographic reproductions and accompanying text with figures.
Paintings and Drawings by Frederick A. Walpole
By John V. Brindle. 1973. 20 pp.; 11 b&w figs.; 9 x 6". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Paintings and Drawings by Mary Grierson
By John V. Brindle. 1975. 16 pp.; 9 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Paintings for Flower and Gardening Books: Cynthia Newsome-Taylor
By George H. M. Lawrence. 1967. 28 pp.; 17 b&w figs.; 6 x 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Plant Names in Botanical Databases
By Frank A. Bisby. 1994. viii, 30 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 6 oz. Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-62-2. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards no. 3.
Plant, Animal & Anatomical Illustration in Art & Science: A Bibliographical Guide from the 16th Century to the Present Day
By Gavin D. R. Bridson and James J. White. 1990. xxxvii, 450 pp.; 13 b&w figs.; 8 1/2 x 11"; 4 lbs. Hard cover. ISBN 0-906795-81-8. Published by St. Paul's Bibliographies, Winchester, in association with the Hunt Institute.
Plants–Mostly Tropical: An Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings by Marion Ruff Sheehan
By John V. Brindle. 1971. 23 pp.; 25 b&w figs.; 6 × 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Portraits of Indian Trees: Arundhati Vartak
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 1999. 44 pp.; 22 col., 13 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 10"; 6 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-66-5.
Printmaking in the Service of Botany
By Gavin D. R. Bridson and Donald E. Wendel with the assistance of James J. White. 1986. 166 pp.; 41 col., 199 b&w figs.; 8 x 10 1/2"; 2 lbs. Embossed stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-49-5.
The Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Botanical Library: Its Collections, Program & Staff
Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1961. viii, 35 pp.; 12 figs., 4 pls.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8". Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-37-1.
Reflections from the Third Day: Photographic Revelations of Plant Design
By John V. Brindle and James J. White. 1978. 60 pp.; 4 col., 65 b&w figs.; 8 1/2 x 10"; 8 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-20-7.
Register of Pennsylvania Biologists, eds. 1–2
Ed. 1, compiled and edited by T. D. Jacobsen. 1989. 73 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11". Paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-53-3. Ed. 2, compiled and edited by T. D. Jacobsen and Sharon M. Tomasic. 1992. 120 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11". Paper cover. ISBN 0-911239-41-3. Published jointly by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History as Special Publication no. 16.
Register of Pennsylvania Curators
Compiled and edited by James J. White and Sharon M. Tomasic. Published jointly by the Greater Pittsburgh Museum Council and the Hunt Institute. 1994. 74 pp.; 8 1/2 x 11". Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-59-2.
A Selection of Late 18th & Early 19th Century Indian Botanical Paintings: Recording the Indigenous and Introduced Flora of the Subcontinent, Commissioned by the Honourable East India Company and Executed in Watercolor by Native Artists, Variously Lent from the Collections of the British Museum (Natural History), India Office Library, Linnean Society of London, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
By Phyllis I. Edwards, James J. White, Dan H. Nicolson and Robert W. Kiger. 1980. 72 pp.; 24 color, 56 b&w figs.; 7 1/2 x 9 3/4". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Sertum Anglicum: Facsimile with Critical Studies and a Translation
By Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle. Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1963. xcviii, 36 pp.; 35 pls. (8 double); 8 1/4 x 12 1/4 ". Hard cover. Hunt Facsimile Series, no. 1.
Simple Repair and Preservation Techniques for Collection Curators, Librarians and Archivists, eds. 1–3
By Jean Gunner. Ed. 1, 1980. [13] pp.; illus.; 11 x 8 1/2". Paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-32-0. Ed. 2, 1981. [18] pp.; illus.; 11 x 8 1/2". Paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-35-5. Ed. 3, 1984. 24 pp.; illus.; 11 x 8 1/2"; 6 oz. Paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-44-4.
Spring Exhibition 1969: Peter Takal Graphics , Elfriede M. Abbe Sculptures and Norris P. Jones Parchment Arrangements
By John V. Brindle and George H. M. Lawrence. 1969. 26 pp.; 18 b&w figs.; 6 × 9". Pictorial stiff paper cover.
Still-Lifes and Nature Studies from the George J. McDonald Collection
By James J. White and George J. McDonald. 1984. 20 pp.; 8 color figs.; 6 ¼ × 9". Softcover.
Talking in Flowers: Japanese Botanical Art
By John V. Brindle and James J. White. 1982. 96 pp.; 25 color, 68 b&w figs.; 8 1/2 × 10 1/2"; 11 oz. Pictorial paper cover. ISBN 0-91396-40-1.
Thomas Johnson: Botanical Journeys in Kent & Hampstead
Edited by J. S. L. Gilmour. 1972. x, 167 pp.; 42 b&w figs.; 2 fold-out maps; 7 3/4 x 10 3/4". Hard cover. Hunt Facsimile Series, no. 3.
Thomas W. Patterson, Bookbinder
1972. [12] pp.; 3 b&w figs.; 6 3/16 × 9". Stiff paper cover.
The Torner Collection of Sessé & Mociño Biological Illustrations CD-ROM
Catalogue compiled by James J. White, Rogers McVaugh and Robert W. Kiger; Historical Introduction by Rogers McVaugh; Photography, Digital Reproduction and HTML by Frank A. Reynolds. Produced by the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation and The Universal Library; Published by Carnegie Mellon CD Press. 1998. 5 9/16 x 4 7/8"; 4 oz. ISBN 0-913196-60-6.
TOXIGEN: A MEKA Application for Computer-Aided Identification of Toxic Flowering-Plant Genera Found in North America North of Mexico with Printed Illustrations for Visual Confirmation
Compiled and edited by T. D. Jacobsen, D. M. Kiger, R. W. Kiger, F. H. Utech and E. R. Smith. 1993. 120 pp.; 336 b&w figs.; 8 ½ x 11". Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-58-4.
The Tradition of Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century
Compiled by Bernadette G. Callery and Elizabeth A. Mosimann. Essays by Jean Gunner, Bernard Middleton and Marianne Titcombe. 1979. 120 pp.; 20 color, 72 b&w figs.; 8 1/4 × 11 3/4"; 1.9 lbs. Published jointly with Davis & Warde, Inc., Pittsburgh. Set in Bembo monotype and printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. Pictorial hard cover. ISBN 0-913196-28-2.
Water Colors & Drawings
By Lotte Günthart. 1970. 238 pp., 8 leaves; illus. (some col.); 7 1/4 × 10". Hardbound.
World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, ed. 1 and ed. 2.
First edition: By S. Hollis and R. K. Brummitt. 1992. ix, 104 pp.; 16 maps; 8 1/2 x 11". Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-56-8. Second edition: R. K. Brummitt with assistance from F. Pando, S. Hollis, N. A. Brummitt and others. 2001. xv, 137 pp.; 17 maps; 8 1/2 x 11"; 1 lb. Stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-72-X. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards no. 2.
Yuuga: Contemporary Botanical Watercolors from Japan
By James J. White and Lugene B. Bruno. 2006. 60 pp.; 55 color, 33 black and white figs.; 8 × 10 1⁄2"; 14 oz. Pictorial stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-81-9.